First Announcement of ISOPES – 2019 February 15 – 17, 2019 BIENNIAL MEETING OF “INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ONCOPLASTIC ENDOCRINE SURGEONS” & 4TH ANNUAL MEETING OF “INDIAN SOCIETY OF THYROID SURGEONS” Dear Sir/Madam, It is with great pleasure we wish to inform you that the Department of Endocrine , SGPGIMS, Lucknow is organizing the Biennial Meeting of “International Society of oncoplastic Endocrine Surgeons” and “4th National Conference of the Indian Society of Thyroid Surgeons” with theme of “Newer Horizons in Scar less Thyroid Surgery” at Lecture Theatre Convention Centre, SGPGIMS, Lucknow (India) from 15th -17th February 2019. The course is targeted largely to young and practicing surgeons, Endocrine surgeons, Head and neck surgeons, otolaryngologists, general surgical trainees and minimally invasive thyroid surgeons. The course faculty would include eminent overseas experts, including ISOPES International Guest Faculty, and the Indian Endocrine surgeons and Otolaryngology fraternity. The first day of the course will be dedicated to a workshop on “Oncoplastic Thyroid surgery”. We would be showing live transmission of Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroid surgery performed by experts from South Korea, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and India. The conference has high-quality content and presentations focusing world’s best practices in Oncoplastic endocrine surgery. We look forward to your kind Participation and also request you to encourage your junior faculty and residents to participate. May we request you to please circulate this information and the attached brochure to esteemed members of your department. An early registration would help us to plan the conference better and to put up a world-class scientific and social program. Your kind co-operation is solicited. Thanks a lot and with kind regards Prof. Amit Agarwal Organizing Chairman and Course Director, President ISOPES Dr. Sabaretnam M Organizing Secretary Theme – Newer Horizons in Scarless Thyroid Surgery For more information Web Link –