Invitation for JIPMER THYROCON 2017
April 29 – 30, 2017
On behalf of the Thyrocon group – Department of Surgical Oncology, JIPMER, I invite you to join us at the CME on ‘Thyroid Cancer 2017’. Our 2017 meeting, will be held on April 29th & 30th in JIPMER, Puducherry. Please mark the date in your busy calendar and plan your spring schedule accordingly. We have planned a very exciting educational program and would not like for you to miss
This year THYROCON will be conducted in affiliation with the two major societies The “Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology (FHNO)” and the “Indian Society of Thyroid Surgeons (ISTS)”.
The CME will have well renowned national faculty from all over the country. This year’s general session will feature a journey of the challenges and controversies in thyroid cancer and management and will include the entire spectrum from surgical to nonsurgical management of thyroid cancer. You will learn new approaches and tips from your colleagues through a live operative workshop and hear oral presentations of the latest research and also have a detailed insight into the always popular yet confusing, ultrasound and radioactive ablation techniques.
Located on the east coast of the southern Indian Peninsula, Puducherry is well known for it’s pristine beaches, spirituality and Aurobindo Ashram. The Tamil Quarters, also known, as the “Ville Noir” contains such beautifully preserved old-time buildings that it feels like you’ve been transported back in time. Nowhere else would you find the French culture so seamlessly merging in with ours. Pondicherry cuisine is the perfect blend of different cultures and customs. The aura of the little restaurants all around adds to the ambience. And keep in mind, if your family or friends will be traveling with you, there’s no dearth of activities in the city and its environs to keep them entertained.
Plan Ahead. You’ll find, as always, an incredibly packed agenda for the weekend. I encourage you to review the schedule and see the topics and speakers we have assembled. I hope you will find that we have achieved our goal of providing focused content designed specifically to meet the needs of surgeons who treat thyroid disease.
So make plans now to join us at a unique meeting designed specifically to meet the educational needs and interests of surgeons and other health care professionals who treat thyroid disease.
See you all in ‘Pondi’ for a superb meeting!
Program Highlights – Live Operative Workshop – Debates – Panel Discussion – Interesting Lectures – Posters – QUIZ
Please find the brochure and the registration form attached
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